When a nursing home has injured or harmed a loved one because of nursing home or abuse and neglect, family members should know what they can do. A personal injury claim for damages may be able to help protect them but family members need to be familiar with when a...
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Month: March 2021
Can low-speed car accidents cause injuries?
In response to a surge of traffic deaths in 2020, New York authorities decreased the speed limit on nine major roads in New York City. One of them, Riverside Drive, now has a speed limit of 25 mph. However, drivers should still know that even low-speed car accidents...
What are New York dog bite protections for victims?
New York dog bite laws protect victims who have been harmed by a dangerous dog. Victims can be harmed in a variety of different ways in a dog attack, including dog bites and other injuries they may suffer. Victims have important protections they should be familiar...
Are pedestrians at risk for auto accidents?
Car and truck accidents present significant risks of injury and even death. Drivers, passengers, and pedestrians all face potential fatalities when involved in an accident on New York roads. Pedestrians may face the most significant risks since they lack the...