New York dog bite laws protect victims who have been harmed by a dangerous dog. Victims can be harmed in a variety of different ways in a dog attack, including dog bites and other injuries they may suffer. Victims have important protections they should be familiar with if they have been harmed by a dog.
New York dog bite laws
Pet owners are liable for the injuries caused by their dogs when the dog has been classified as a dangerous dog. A dangerous dog is defined as a dog that acts without justification. Justification can include if the victim was committing a crime against the dog’s owner or the dog owner’s property or if the victim was tormenting or abusing the dog or the dog’s young.
If a dog acts without justification and attacks, injures or kills a person, service dog, form animal or domestic animal, the dog’s owner may be liable for the harm caused by their dog. The dog owner may also be liable in situations when the dog creates, based on its behavior, the belief in a reasonable person that the dog poses a serious imminent threat of serious bodily injury or death.
Victims of dog bites may be able to receive compensation for the harm they have suffered through a personal injury claim for damages. Victims can suffer disabling and disfiguring injuries in dog attacks. They may need to recover compensation for medical expenses to help the with these damages. Damages for financial and emotional damages may also be available. For that reason, victims need to be familiar with the legal protections and dog bite laws in New York.