In response to a surge of traffic deaths in 2020, New York authorities decreased the speed limit on nine major roads in New York City. One of them, Riverside Drive, now has a speed limit of 25 mph. However, drivers should still know that even low-speed car accidents can cause injuries like TBIs, whiplash and soft tissue damage.
What speed causes injuries?
A car moving at any speed is fast enough to cause harm when it hits another motor vehicle. It’s possible to see no damage on either vehicle but to have an injury from the impact. Symptoms of car accident injuries aren’t always immediately evident either, especially in cases of whiplash and other back and neck injuries.
Whiplash might occur when the head snaps backward and forward quickly. The motion may happen so fast that you don’t realize you could have it. Whiplash usually occurs in rear-end collisions but could happen in other types of auto accidents. Always get a check-up as soon as possible after an accident, and keep a record of your doctor visits in case you need to file a personal injury claim.
Not all auto accident injuries show up during a check-up right away, so you should see a doctor again if you experience any symptoms like neck pain, back pain, headaches, vision problems, discomfort, confusion or unusual irritability.
Traumatic brain injury
A low-speed car accident causes your brain to jostle inside of your skull. If the brain hits the skull, it can sustain a TBI. Possible symptoms of a traumatic brain injury include headaches, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, difficulty speaking, slurred speech, sensitivity to light, sensitivity to sound, fatigue, personality changes, aggression, depression, anxiety and confusion.
Soft tissue injuries
Muscle sprains, strains and tears are examples of soft tissue injuries you could have from a low-speed car accident. This type of injury may affect the ligaments, tendons and skin as well as the muscles.
Legal assistance
Your first priority after an accident should be to obtain medical care and treatment for your injuries. If it appears that the crash was caused by the negligence of another motorist, you might then want to have the help of an attorney in seeking compensation for the losses that you have sustained.